Sunday, January 16, 2011

Weird stares

On the bus, at the shopping mall, at the basketball court, or just walking around. When I look around at some of the children walking around, I always notice that some of them will turn around and give me a weird stare or turn around and give me a second look. Some even turn to their mom, say something then the mom will turn to look at me as well.

All these have become something too common since I started working four months ago. It feels a little awkward sometimes since I don't really know if I know these kids and yesterday something else dawned on me. Could the reason that they are looking at me is because I was looking at them in the first place? 

First entry using iPhone

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Monday, January 03, 2011


Work is starting again!! Mixed feelings about the year, hope everything will be good, like it has always been..

Hope everyone has a good year ahead of them. Enjoy whatever (most irritating word) you do.