Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Best Read from the NLB book banning saga

As the title suggested.

Frankly, if you don't like a certain book, just don't pick it. Why ask for it to be banned because your book "said so". And it's obvious you have misinterpreted your own book.

If you love your kids so much, I'm sure you will be able to put the books to great use by using it as an education tool. By asking for its ban means that you are just an over-protective parent who think that children should be sheltered from all problems. It doesn't mean that reading about it will make them gay. At the same time, doesn't read about it doesn't mean that they will not either. Children did not read about fighting over things to need to know how to fight over things.

Love your children? Teach them.

Cool, hedgehog is one of my favourite animals too.