Friday, August 14, 2015

Why resign

It's been 1.5 month since I left my previous employment. Before I left, many people came to ask me why I was leaving, what I was going to do after this? I had tried out a few ways to answer the questions:

1) Personal reason - I usually just told them it's for personal reasons and won't elaborate. It's supposed to be personal right? Only a few knows what the personal reason is though.

2) Health reasons - I didn't tell anyone this reason as my expected reaction from them was that I was young so this shouldn't be a concern. Well, this is supposed to be one of the reasons for my decision, since I feel my health has been deteriorating and I ought to take care of it. You don't wait till your health is bad before you take care of it. Prevention is better than cure.

3) Other plans - I have other plans and sometimes just explain a bit more if the person asking me probes, Of the different plans, it's interesting to also notice the reactions from people when you tell them different things:

i) Taxi driver - sounds like you already going into retirement job. My actual plan for this is to drive in the day and tutor and go into volunteer work in the afternoon for one year. We'll see how this work out.

ii) Hawker - Wow, what a different job as your current one. But it does sounds good because it's about starting a business. However, there will always be people who will try to dissuade you to do something. If you never try and easily get dissuaded by people, then it will be better to just keep this to yourself and put your head first into it. That way nothing can stop you.

iii) Tutor - This seems the most socially acceptable answer. People feels it's only natural to become a tutor. So nowadays, this will be the answer I give people when they do ask about while I had resigned. This is so I won't have to see the shocked face on people about something that actually concern me.


Don't be dissuaded by people who feel you can't achieve your dream. Even if you fail, at least you fail trying. There will always be people who feel they can't do it and will persuade you that it's the same for you.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Reactions of colleagues when they hear you are resigning

These are some reactions you will get when the news of your resignation is made known to your other co-workers.

Type 1: The try-all-means-and-ways to make you stay
This type is likely to be your buddy or partner in crime at work. Sitting beside you and complaining to you everyday. When you not around, they will have no one to complain to. So they try all means to make you stay.

Type 2: The I'm-gonna-do-it-too
This is the type where usually you wouldn't speak to but suddenly when they heard you're resigning, they come to you to wish you luck and ask you additional questions. "Hey, how was the talk with the boss like? Did she get angry when you ask her that? Can I borrow your resignation letter? 我已经算好了,明年一月去生孩子,放假四个月。在第三个月就交辞职信。刚好!"

Type 3: The I-also-want-to-leave-but-I-can't
Usually these are the old birds who think they are stuck with the job because they can't fly anymore. They will say they envy you can make this decision; they have got a family to feed etc.

Read: Can there be Innovation after 40?

Type 4: The well-wishers
Self-explanatory. People who know you better will wish more things.

Type 5: The debt-collector
This type comes after you because you still owe them some deadlines. They will come haunt you till you finally give them the goods.

Type 6: The co-llaborators
They hear that you are going to start your own business and check to see if you will want a business partner because they have been thinking of leaving but have done nothing about it.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Table for 1

On a day that's used to be celebrated by 2 people, I had a peaceful lunch without any interruption - steak and coffee, on my own.

New achievement unlocked!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Postman for a day

Made these little bookmarks for my little twerps. Parting gifts.
Given together with a little souvenir from Penang and the school's praise and post cards
Kinda like the bookmarks. Hope the inspirational quotes chosen for each one of them will lead them to future success
Definitely hope they cherish this. 

And the envelopes were all mailed out by hand. Travelling on my old but worthy cycles.It was fun doing all these on my own free time rather than having to do this as part of a job.

Friday, June 26, 2015

School Holiday's Program

It's coming to the end of the school holidays. Went out to have lunch today at TJ market. While ordering drinks at the drink shop, there were two extra little helpers to the couple who run the stall. One of them was taking orders at the tables, the other helping with the cashier counter while the couple made the drinks. I reckon the cashier must be a boy who enjoys mathematics in school. Else, the parents wouldn't have allowed him to man the cashier.

This seems the best way for children to learn mathematics - providing them with real life scenarios to make use of the maths skills they have acquired. It is applied here where the children are helping to calculate the price of the drinks and returning change to the customers. An additional perk is that they get to be with their parents which is a privilege since nowadays, parents hardly have time for their children.

Schools understand the importance of having real-life context but it's not possible to have that all the time as they have to prep the students for exams. In some schools, they may bring the children out once a year to a supermarket to make purchases and apply their concept on money in the trip.

In the children's mind, having these type of learning opportunity definitely beats having their parents paying good money to hire the best tutor in town who may get them to do practice after practice on paper. Ultimately, that may get the children a good grade in school but having no passion to learn the underlying concept.

P.S. According to my relatives, playing mahjong helps in learning maths as well. Parents might wanna give it a try?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I'm not alone

Some fights are not worth the fight and they have to realise it. Insisting that things must be done "your way" can only be detrimental to relationships.

Monday, January 12, 2015

3 Communication Tips To Get Him Feeling More Passionate... Even If The "Spark" Is Gone

There's a common strategy lots of smart women take on when they sense something has shifted or is off in their relationship with a man.
But instead of this strategy helping the relationship get back on track, it often accidentally creates distance in the relationship and pushes the man away.
I call this strategy the "Convincer."
I'll explain it like this...

Accidentally Becoming The "Convincer" With Men

Smart women often have high-standards and expect the best for themselves - from their relationship and from the man they're with - and that's a great thing. So when they aren't getting what they know is the best from the relationship, they take action.
Now, it's a MUST to communicate and share your feelings when you don't feel your partner is giving to you and your relationship the way you are, and it's a good thing to do this as soon as you feel it.

Are You The Woman Your Ideal Man Wants?

Catch Him & Keep Him
Does it seem like you can accomplish anything you set your mind to in your life - career, interests, hobbies, friends - except for meeting the right guy and having a lasting, committed relationship with him?
If you did meet a great guy, are you confident that you'd know what this attractive, successful, and together single man was really looking for in a woman? And more importantly - how to make sure he RECOGNIZES that YOU are the right woman for him?
For a real understanding of what makes a man see you as the right woman from the start and feel more intensely ATTRACTED each time you get together, you need my Meeting The One video program.
Watch it risk-free right now:
However, many women take action by trying to take the lead in the relationship in hopes that this will "fill the gaps" in the relationship and start to make things work better and get the man re-engaged again.
But the reality is that making this shift into trying to take charge and lead often ends up with the woman feeling both unappreciated, and like she's the one trying to "convince" the man that the relationship should be different and better.
I'm sure I don't have to tell you that this is not a place where you want to be as a woman in a relationship. Plus... Convincing is a 100% sure way to turn a man off and stop any attraction he might have been feeling for you.
There's a much, much better way...

3 Communication Secrets To Keep A Man Engaged

There's a way to communicate with a man and keep him invested in you and the relationship, without any convincing at all. Doing this involves three key elements.
Men, just like women, need to feel like it's okay to have their feelings, and that they will be heard and respected. And when they realize their partner isn't really listening or interested in who they truly are or how they truly feel, they will start to shut off bit by bit.
A man can sense how a woman is trying to talk with him or ask him questions, and he can sense if there are intense emotions behind what she's saying.
That's why for a man, there are really two main ways that he will sense a woman's communication in these more intense times of potential relationship conflict.
A man will either sense that:
A) You are asking him to talk and share in order to truly try and UNDERSTAND both him and your relationship better.
*Hint: I think of this as "listening to hear the truth," not "listening to hear what YOU want to hear," and there's a HUGE difference. It's this kind of listening to genuinely hear the truth that creates the critically important "safe space" a man needs to sense for him to share HIS true feelings with you.
Or, on the other hand, a man will sense that...
B) You are asking him to talk and share not to truly talk and listen, but in order to play out your own feelings that you are having a hard time with, or to vent difficult feelings you don't know how to communicate.
Guess which way of talking and listening makes a man feel most comfortable to open up and respond with a deeper level of thought, care and honesty? And guess which way of asking a man a question and listening makes him have a difficult time opening up and being honest about his true feelings?
Now... knowing this, the question is how do you communicate in those important times where you're feeling something and you need to talk with your man? Which way do you approach the conversation, and are you asking to hear his truth and share yours?
Or are you asking because you need to first find a way to uncork all the feelings you're having a hard time understanding, and you hope to hear what you want to hear from him?
Keep this in mind the next time you're communicating with a man so that you listen without judgement and preconceived ideas about what he "should" say.
COMMUNICATION SECRET #2: Quiet the Criticism
There's something absolutely critical you need to get about men if you want to enjoy a lasting relationship that feels easy and like a "fit" for YOU and for the man you're with. It's this...
Men do not respond to CRITICISM in relationships.
Now, this might sound obvious, but it's incredible how many relationships have this dynamic where men either accidentally perceive a woman's communication as criticism... or where a woman is accidentally criticizing in an effort to make the relationship better.
You should know that most couples do not see it when they're criticizing each other. That's why it's the subtleties of how criticism starts to undermine both partners in the relationship and turn them against each other that makes criticism so destructive.
In the end, criticism will motivate a man to distance himself from you and see your relationship as a negative place he needs to get away from in order to feel better about himself.
When a man feels criticized, he'll do most or all of the following:
  • Stop communicating any appreciation for the woman
  • Feel like a failure in his life and in your relationship and stop trying or being passionate in both
  • Find ways to act out either directly or indirectly to express his frustration
  • Spend more time away from you and your relationship
  • Stop letting you in on his deeper thoughts and feelings and shut you out
  • No longer want to know about and understand your feelings and be a source of support or comfort for you
Looking at that list, you can see that criticism shuts down some huge emotional areas in a man. When you think about it, criticism is just one way to try and create change and to motivate someone (a man) to do something differently.
Can you think of a more effective way of communicating with a man that will get you the response you REALLY WANT with him in your relationship?
There's something that truly works MAGIC with a man...
COMMUNICATION SECRET #3: Show Appreciation
A man wants to be respected for his thoughts and actions, and the way you communicate this to him is by showing APPRECIATION.
Unfortunately, often times women, especially smart, independent, and successful women, unintentionally block opportunities for a man to please them. In short, they make it difficult for a man to do for them the very things they'd like to receive!
If you're used to being a go-getter and taking matters into your own hands at work and in your daily life, you might accidentally be preventing a man from stepping in and being THE MAN for you.
So, not only is he not able to please you and DO for you, but there are fewer opportunities for you to show APPRECIATION for him.

This Is An Easy Fix, But It Takes Practice

It means you need to practice letting go of the reigns of the relationship and LET HIM do more for you. You don't need to do anything at all for this to happen, all you need to do is stop DOING, and this will create the space for him to move forward and DO for you.
That's when you'll create fresh opportunities to acknowledge and APPRECIATE him when he does. Appreciation is the fuel the feeds a man's passion for you and makes him not want to leave your side.
For a complete, in-depth look at how to communicate appreciation to a man and speak with him in a way that will really make him listen, check out my Communication Secrets For A Secure Relationship program.
It will teach you how to break through any distance between you and a man and shift any negative patterns you have in the way you talk and share with each other. Learn how to transform the way you communicate with a man, and in turn how he sees you and opens up to you right here:

It's Never To Late To Turn Things Around

If a man was attracted to you in the beginning, it's possible to re-engage him and get him feeling "it" for you again - and stronger than ever. You just need the right approach. If you're in a relationship that has started to fizzle, all the tips and insights you need are in my Relationship Turnaround online video program:
In this program, I'll reveal the real reason passion dies with a man and show you the three key elements of a great relationship so that he'll recognize you as the one woman he can't ever let get away.
I'll talk to you again soon, and best of luck in life and love.
Your Friend,

Taken directly off Catch-him and Keep-him newsletter by Christian Carter