Sunday, August 23, 2009

PSK Interview

About a year ago, I was being interviewed to join Project Sang Khem 08. Even though I felt I had flunked the interview, I was quite happy that I had went for the interview despite the many doubts I have about myself at that point of time.

A year later, I am seated at the other side of the table, interviewing people for team 09, and now I can understand how much effort it takes to schedule interviews. Though I wasn't without error during the process, I tried my best to simplify the signing up process.

During the actual interviewing of people, some people asked what was the yardstick of our interview? A truthful answer for this would be "I don't know.", but I know many people will not take that as an answer, so I'll now try to coin an answer for the question.

A simple answer which I had stood by would be expressed in the equation

Empathy + Sincerity = Persuasion (post)

For starter, you can show empathy by being polite in your email for signing up. Of course, being punctual for your interview is another way.

The sincerity part is a more difficult part to show even though I can basically summarize it as you have to be truthful and show the interviewer the real you.

Hope this information helps.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Rot Remedy

After a perpetual period of rotting, school has finally started again. With a 3-hr lecture from 11am-2pm, I woke up early with all enthusiasm to attend punctually.

Indeed I was early and even found time to print my notes before proceeding to the lecture venue. It was then I found something odd about the seminar room, it was pitch black inside. Not knowing where's everyone, I decided to hang around. After waiting for a while, I finally saw someone coming to check out the room, but walk away after looking at the door. And so, there was a notice on the door, which I had not seen when I was there.. How unobservant..

"Dear Students,

The lecture for CS4211 has been relocated to SOC1/05-46..."

The new location was no where near where I was. In the end, I was late by half hour for class, and the lecturer ended 1.5hr earlier. Should really have stayed home today.