Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Rot Remedy

After a perpetual period of rotting, school has finally started again. With a 3-hr lecture from 11am-2pm, I woke up early with all enthusiasm to attend punctually.

Indeed I was early and even found time to print my notes before proceeding to the lecture venue. It was then I found something odd about the seminar room, it was pitch black inside. Not knowing where's everyone, I decided to hang around. After waiting for a while, I finally saw someone coming to check out the room, but walk away after looking at the door. And so, there was a notice on the door, which I had not seen when I was there.. How unobservant..

"Dear Students,

The lecture for CS4211 has been relocated to SOC1/05-46..."

The new location was no where near where I was. In the end, I was late by half hour for class, and the lecturer ended 1.5hr earlier. Should really have stayed home today.

1 comment:

wh said...

11am lect is early ??? mine is 9am!!!