Wednesday, April 30, 2008

NOT Recommended

Oh no.. The latest victim of the Lot 1 expansion, the foodcourt at the basement has been relocated to the fourth floor. With the new location, some of the stalls have changed, among them is my favourite stall which sells the hot & spicy noodle.. Guess I'll just have to find other places to eat that dish.

Anyway, after my third paper today, miz and I had lunch at this new foodcourt. Without my favourite stall, I have to settle for something else. I chose the Hokkien Mee, which costs $5. Other things that the stall sells include fried kway teow, some rice sets, and popiah. I wanted to buy one popiah but didn't because the price of $2 was simply not worth it. I will at most pay $1.50 for that since hawker centres sell that at $1.20. I thought to myself who would buy them at $2, then four people came to prove me wrong.

After waiting for nearly 10 mins, I finally got the noodle. There wasn't a queue therefore 10 mins is very long. Time to check out the taste; apart from the lime that taste like a lime and the chilli sauce that tasted like chilli sauce, the noodle tasted like plain congee. That's it, I won't be buying from that stall anymore.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Good Luck for the Exams

Every semester, before each paper starts, someone I know will keep going around asking people to wish him good luck for his paper as he has not enough time to finish the revision for his exams. I never did wish him good luck before. Sounds quite cruel of me to deprive him of some luck for his paper, don't I?

Actually I just don't want him to come back to me when the results are out and tell me, "Walao, your luck is no use." this sort of things. Good luck in exams come naturally with preparation, and not through wishing, therefore I only wish people who prepare "good luck for your exams.". Then when the results come out, I can tell them, "See, my good luck helped a bit.".

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Heat of the Battlefield

It's not the battle that hurts, but its preparations. I hate examinations because of the studying since I'm not the type that goes mugging whole day, and I simply don't have that kind of stamina to go mugging whole day.

Plus recently, I've picked up a new hobby that really took up a lot of my preparation time. Though I try not to do that, it's really not something that I can control and it can be really dangerous at times too.

Therefore this time, instead of staying in bed to read, I've been going to school to study. The reason is simple, I don't want to lose my challenge and partly to utilize my train pass. Even so, I still found myself going into a trance occasionally, slowing my progress a lot. Well, at least I completed the preparation for the module that requires the most work - Business Law.

After the lecturer keeps saying, "Hint, hint, this one sure come out.", "Study this for the exam, you will not regret.", she has successfully given us the hint that everything she covered in the lectures, will be coming out. So bimbang says we'll prepare what she said will come out during the final lecture.

Preparations for other modules are still underway. A.I. is a problem in particular. After the lecturer slammed our project as a level 1 assignment, don't think I'm gonna get a really good grade for that module. Let's see what the final exam worth 30% can do.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I am

I cerebrated about ways to be happy.

I cogitated about why school is never a happy place to be at.

I deliberated many ways to make myself look forward to what the future holds.

I feel cold.

The angel and devil in me are ratiocinating to whom should be in charge.

I reflected on my actions throughout the past two years, and found I've achieved nothing.

I imagine myself as a piece of jigsaw in a wrong puzzle.

I speculates I need to find the puzzle i belonged in.

I am contemplating to make a new start.

I wonders if anyone will care if I do.

Ways not to earn a "Thank You"

Many times when you help people, you will expect at least them to say "Thank you.". It's not really true in some cases.

Case 1a: Holding the door for able bodied people to enter/exit first

Why won't people say thank you in this case? It's simple, they think that you are treating them as handicapped people, obviously you don't expect them to thank you for that.

Case 1b: Holding the lift door open for people to board/alight first

The general mindset is: I would have got on/off the lift, irregardless of whether you hold the door. It's your job anyway since you stand so near the buttons.

Case 2: Giving up seats on trains by standing throughout your journey even when there are seats when you board

There are so many people who like to rush into the trains as soon as the doors open just to grab a seat, even for a few stations they will be happy as long as they get a seat. Then when they see some needy auntie or uncle board the train they start to practice their courteous side and give up their seats to them, even though the real reason is that they are about to alight soon anyway. But most of the time, these people will receive the "thank you", while not those that chose to give up their seats right from the start.

Case 3: Returning something to the person in front of you when he dropped something

This case is dependent on the things that the person in front had dropped. Usually, if the thing is regarded in Law as a a thing of value, he will thank you.

I was there, but I wasn't there

Whatever you can make sense of this statement, it's nothing good..

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Busiest Week

The past week is easily the most busiest week I've had. A week that is filled with presentations, lectures (reprimands), and remorse. I seemed to have neglected some of my projects throughout the past few weeks and just before they are due, it's really impossible to produce work that is presentable.

It was right for the lecturer to tell me off, so I won't rebut. The damage has been dealt, and now that I'm just 7 days from my papers, it's once again time to do damage control.

Good luck to everyone having examinations.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Shrouded in Darkness

As much as I like to think that there is light at the end of the tunnel, i find no end in the tunnel I'm in. Walking on and on, then realize I'm back at where I started off. Am I progressing, or am I deteriorating?

Who will understand this feeling? Shinji Ikari probably does. He tries hard to gain recognition from his father, doing things that others tell him to do. Despite receiving praises from many people, he found that he is still him because his father was still unmoved. Even so, he's still well-loved by many anime fans and I'm still a nobody.

Monday, April 14, 2008

the sky crumbled down on me

I knew it would be a bad day today. Arsenal losing again after taking the lead at Old Trafford marks the start of the catastrophe.

After setting myself a high target for Oral Presentation, I only managed to prepare a half-baked presentation slides for Oral Presentation. This proved to be very costly as I have to try and have some sort of impromptu speech while keeping the topic within the points I have on the slides. In the end, I felt I've flunked the talk.

Immediately after the Oral Presentation is the database demo. The website that we have looks promising, until the evaluator starting asking about functions that we had not implemented. Even though he did say that it's okay that we don't have those functions, you know that he actually meant it's not okay.

Shortly after the database demo, it's time for the software demo. We've a full plan of things that we want to show the tutor, but due to the time constraint of fifteen minutes, we managed to show her half of what we wanted to show.

Everything came crushing down in the night at the final recitation lesson, the test for the S-paper of Database. Out of five questions, I only did one of them, and I have no idea whether i was right for that question.

One disastrous day..

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Creative or Silly

Two weeks ago, I gave a three minutes short talk. I thought the content was quite silly as it was basically a talk of my usual style - crappy in the simplest form. While I managed to make a fool of myself in front of class yet again, I'm really glad the class enjoyed the talk.

Last week, after getting back the recording for the talk, I showed Bimbang and he thought that the points were clearly illustrated.

Today, in the conference with the tutor, she said that she found my talk very interesting and creative. This leaves me to wander how do people define these two words "creative" and "silly".


Creative is imaginative, and
Silly is ridiculous.

I remembered a few years ago, I communicated an idea of setting up a website for making offerings to Ah Bee, and was slammed by him as 'siao'. Last Saturday, while having dinner with a group of secondary school friends which included him, one of them say that this website has started and was on the news the night before. So, it's quite interesting to see that actually these two words are quite closely related.

Many a time, people who imagine things will be slammed by others as being silly as what they are thinking is simply impossible. This kills the imaginative powers of us overtime. When you were young, I can say that all of you are very imaginative too, but adults will keep telling you that you are thinking too much, don't be silly. Everything you need to know are in the textbook. This is a very sad thing to do, as imaginations bring about changes. It also makes life very dull.

Go back to your childhood and rediscover your power to dream.

Friday, April 04, 2008


How do you live longer? That's a question many people have asked since thousands of years ago. In my paper today, I read an article about being nice to stray animals. It ended off with saying people who treat animals well are general happier and tend to live longer.. Is there any truth in this? Probably, since animals are much simpler than when dealing with people around us. If you are nice to them, they will reciprocate.

It's also said that people with religion live longer. Studies show that people who attend religious meeting every week lives as much as six years more. What I think is that these people are happier with their lives as they meet up with friends to socialize. Apart from that, religions encourages healthy lifestyles, which certainly play a part in longevity.

Religious People Live Longer Than Nonbelievers
Be kind to animals - especially strays (my paper 04/04/2008)


I'm not trying to tell you to take up some religions. In fact, I'm a non-believer, but there's always things that we should learn from religions. For example, learn to socialize. Encourage and support your friends and they will do the same for you. Eat healthy, you don't need to be in a religion to be able to do that, do you?

However, the longevity discussed above are just physically being able to live longer. What would you want to do in those extra time that you have? Enjoying life would be good, but when you passed on, no one will remember you after a few generations. If you really want to attain true longevity, you should strive to make something of yours live on even after you die.

This something could come in many forms. When you on the lights, you think of Thomas Edison (maybe not quite since it's almost taken for granted nowadays). When you open your secondary school physics textbook, you see the three Newton's law of motion, then you will think of Isaac Newton (though you might get cursed occasionally). When you watch Romeo and Juliet, you remember William Shakespeare. This list can go on and on, but you should get my point by now. Instead of blindly finding ways to stay alive longer, get alive and make yourself count.