Monday, April 14, 2008

the sky crumbled down on me

I knew it would be a bad day today. Arsenal losing again after taking the lead at Old Trafford marks the start of the catastrophe.

After setting myself a high target for Oral Presentation, I only managed to prepare a half-baked presentation slides for Oral Presentation. This proved to be very costly as I have to try and have some sort of impromptu speech while keeping the topic within the points I have on the slides. In the end, I felt I've flunked the talk.

Immediately after the Oral Presentation is the database demo. The website that we have looks promising, until the evaluator starting asking about functions that we had not implemented. Even though he did say that it's okay that we don't have those functions, you know that he actually meant it's not okay.

Shortly after the database demo, it's time for the software demo. We've a full plan of things that we want to show the tutor, but due to the time constraint of fifteen minutes, we managed to show her half of what we wanted to show.

Everything came crushing down in the night at the final recitation lesson, the test for the S-paper of Database. Out of five questions, I only did one of them, and I have no idea whether i was right for that question.

One disastrous day..

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