Tuesday, February 13, 2007

28 more days

Exactly 1 more month to IPPT..

Same route as less week but my time is 17min 45sec.. Omg, even slower, by a gd 14 seconds.. It's got to have something to do with what you eat and what you do.

Had to push forward my running day, because tomorrow is V' Day, and I have an appointment with my dear lecturers at LT12 for mid-term test. Really not looking forward to this test, cause it is my worst subject of all -- History. So many things to prepare for this test and it feels like I havent done anything. 6 sets of lecture notes, 1 tutorial, and 30 readings(at least 10 pages each). Test format is gonna be a short article, with 3 part questions. Hope I can answer them..

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