Saturday, May 19, 2007

finally back

HA, the service is finally back!!

An uneventful 2 weeks of holiday has passed, and i'm still idling around, waiting for the results and ICT that will come in the next 2 weeks. Guess i have to start my training all over again for the IPPT as my fitness had declined, not running for a month or so. Went to play soccer with my secondary school friends last weekend, but couldn't even hold out for a few games. I still have the pace, but the stamina and the skills have dropped tremendously.

Things just get worse when my phone suddenly stopped functioning all together. Now I have to bring it to plaza singapura to have it repaired.. Barely bought for 2 months, and it's already spoilt..

My desktop is also ready for collection at my relative's house, but haven't visited them for 2 weeks. Don't really know when I'll get it back, just have to wait and see.

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