Sunday, July 15, 2007

Harry Potter - Order of the Pheonix

Plans to watch this show began 2 weeks ago, right after watching transformers. Initially, the date was set to be yesterday at PS. However, many seems to be unable to make it, so it was changed to today instead.

The show was at 5.05pm, so I reached at 4.45pm. To my surprise, no one was around, and this was quite impossible so to prove my suspicion that I had went to the wrong place, I sms-ed Kai, and this is the conversation:

Me: "where you?"
Him: "where u"
Me: " I asked you first"
Him: "cinema"
Me: "which one"
Him: "north point"
Me: "oh, where is it?"
Him: "Singapore"
(getting quite annoyed..)
Me: "Not going le. Facebook write watching at ps. Now change to somewhere i nvr heard before. You all enjoy yourself"

Anyway, the show was changed to marina square, and the message somehow didn't reach me, apart from the change of time. No matter, I still manage to reach marina square before the show starts, only miss a bit of the advertisement, thanks to kai.

The show wasn't that bad, at least not one that I'd fall asleep watching. Won't tell you much since you can read the review(Warning! May contain spoiler). My cousin claimed she wrote it, but there's no name to it. Whatever, just give her the benefit of the doubt.

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