Saturday, February 23, 2008

Presentation Commences

Presentations are fun and exciting, yet scary and stressful to have..

Prior to presentations, one has to do much researching, then after collecting all the information needed, one has to start his preparation for the actual presentation. The most common way is to make a powerpoint slide.

My first presentation of the year is a self-learning assignment. The class is divided into six groups, and each group assigned a topic where we go read up on. This will brand us as the experts in that particular topic, giving us the credentials to lecture on that topic. Therefore, apart from saying what is on the slideshow, you will have to add in explanations to make things more understandable.

The second presentation is relatively easier, just having the prepare the solution to one of the tutorial question on powerpoint slides then present before the class. As the answers aren't supposed to be that long, and the group size of six is large, each person just has to say a few lines of text. With all the explanations on the slide, nothing will go wrong. Two more of this sort of presentation still to come.

Two more other presentations will be the most terrifying of all. Even though it's just a 3-5 min talk, it will be done in front of the class and a camera. I always get very tensed up in front of camera, cause I'm scared of getting sucked into the camera, lol..

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