Sunday, February 28, 2010


The past few weeks, I spent so much time thinking that I felt I had cease operations, greatly reducing productivity. Most of the time, I've spent planning for sessions with my 2 new brothers and bring out learning points from the activities. It's kinda hard to do so, since it's very unnatural if you want to do it purposefully.

Initially, I had thought that this activity would not be so demanding, since I was supposed to have around one outing every two weeks. But with all these plannings, it seems like I spent almost everyday thinking about what to do. LOL.. So far, we've had 3 sessions and they were really good. I felt that it was time well-spent, but I would need to manage my time better so that I can find a balance between academic and non-academic matters. Ultimately, I don't want to go for convocation with Godlike Kai..

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