Saturday, July 10, 2010

Homework Strategies

It's the parents that fret about the child's homework when they can't finish or won't start doing them. It's rather amusing to see parents using many different strategies to get their child to do their homework.

1. Baits
Using food to entice the child to do their homework. Some favourite baits include ice-cream, sweets, chocolate. Could prove very effective when dealing with a gourmet kid (if put in a nice way). However, with so much food attracting the attention, how much of the attention is spent on the homework?

2. Play time
"Work hard, play hard". No one says it the other way round, obviously parents aren't exceptions. More often than not, you will hear parents shouting "Quick do your homework, then you can go play your PS3!", if you don't do your homework, then your play time is compromised, simple. But a lot of time, after doing homework, the parents will say "Go learn your spelling!!". LOL! Bye bye to play time..

3. Reasoning
Over the weekend is when there is the highest amount of homework, and you will hear this "You do this homework now, then you will have less to do tomorrow." Perfectly logical, but not appealing at all.

4. Threaten
Possibly the first exposure to the notion of threatening comes from the parents when they threaten to give them a beating for not doing their work.

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