Monday, January 25, 2016

A lesson to learn

In the experiment above, the new set of monkeys might not have any idea what was happening when they beat the monkey for climbing the ladder. In actual life, there are also many such examples that exhibit such behaviours.

People always say we should learn from past mistakes. That's why people study history - to learn from the experience of past events and people. So that we don't ever commit the same mistakes. This has never been my strong subject. I learn about wars between countries and this really didn't need a history teacher to tell me that violence doesn't solve anything. There ain't any child who is such a saint that he has never resorted to violence. That's where you educate the child on violence. If you don't teach your child there and then, no number of history teacher will be able to help in future.

Last week, I planned to make the CNY goodie - the small little popiah with chilli shrimps inside, because mum just happened to fried some of those chilli shrimps. One of my mum's friends came visiting, and my mum told her my plans about making that. She's a reasonably good cook and she happened to have made that before or something, told my mum that the chilli shrimps that we make cannot be put inside the popiah because it's too wet. So after you fry, the popiah will become soggy.

Being the bad history student that I was, I still went ahead with my plan, thinking that even if it turns out soggy, I still wanna take a look at what the failed product will look like. However, keeping the advice in mind, I took out some oil absorbent paper to squeeze out as much oil and moisture from the chilli shrimps as possible.

The popiah turns out:


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