Monday, December 29, 2008
From the beginning, I was filled with doubts. Now I'm glad I've pressed onwards. Things change, but keep your HOPE burning!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Saturday, December 06, 2008
A Hectic Month
I've had quite some fun in the past 2 days, joining VSA Camp 2008 as a volunteer. Of the three-day camp, I went for 2 days. I was partnered with one of the campers and the first day I went was an excursion to the Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve. Just nice, I've wanted to go there in the June Holidays, but since no one wants to go, I never went.
The trip was cut short by the afternoon rain, but I think we've had reasonable amount of fun that day.
The second day I went was the final day of the camp. We've had various activities in the camp venue (Bedok Green Pri Sch). My t-shirt ended up in a big mix of colours. The most fun part for the day was seeing how the little campers enjoyed playing games that I had played myself when I was their age. Didn't know the game of playing scissors, paper, stone on the balancing beam still existed. Seeing them getting a kick out of the game makes me feel really great. But they get really wild while playing and I nearly gotten taupok-ed by them..
The camp was summed up with a mini concert put together by the children. At the end of the day, I think that what makes me feel good is to see the children enjoying themselves. It was a really enjoyable 2 days. Thanks to Nabeel, Mubeen, Mervyn, Zhua Li and Regan. :)
Coming up next in the holidays will be marathon tomorrow. After that will be a few days of prep work for my upcoming trip to Cambodia. Looking forward to them.
Omg, and I completely forgotten about getting back my results on 23rd.. Until i finished this blog post. Crushed back to Earth!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Is there something on going there? You want to go there?
(nod nod)
But winter is coming. I won’t be able to move if it gets any colder. And if we leave this house, we probably won’t be able to come back. You still want to go?
(nod nod)
What is over there, I wonder?
(A warm place with many things where people have fun everyday…?)
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tutorial Participation
I totally agree with this statement, however, by awarding participation marks during tutorial totally defeats the purpose in my opinion. People who are already strong in the subject will have minimal problems in preparing for the tutorials, so each time during tutorial, the same person will "volunteer" to present the answers, and get a big bonus for answering the question. At the same time, weaker students will fall back further and further in the marking scheme as the bonus is really so huge (17%). This awarding of the marks really destroyed the learning environment.
He compares the awarding of participation marks to the "principle that is similar to a taxation system where the wealthier segment of the society pays more taxes.", but in fact, here, he is giving the rich more riches, and depriving the poor of their needs - a system that will lead to corruption.
The way he argues his point reminds me of one of my platoon mates, a !@#$%. How can this environment makes learning happy.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Old Times
Think it's been 2 years since I last met him in my secondary school. Of course, he doesn't remember my name, cause he's always mixed up my name with my other classmates during lesson. He was probably about to leave but decided to stay for another cup of tea while we gossiped for a while. Anyway, thank him for my cup of coffee. :)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
sweet sorrows
The moment I realized it was just a dream, I felt really great, as I know that the project has already been submitted to the supervisor. The project has finally concluded!
At the same time, I felt a bit lost since I've been working on the project for so long and now that it'd ended, I've suddenly found more time to stone. How I wish some things never ends so I'll be kept busy. That's why I've left the final volume of prince of tennis half read, animes half watched, and always seemed half-asleep when I'm awake and vice versa.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
zzz.. kids..
2 kids alighted from mrt at cck station and when exiting the gantry, the smaller of them tailgated the older one out.
Well Done! Next time I see them, I shall report them..
Glad Today's Over
Deadline: 31 Oct, 2359hrs.
Happy Halloween!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Dampen Spirits
The part I like most about this week was seeing how people enjoyed the bumpy rides and the drifting.
Time to hit the homework!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thursday, October 09, 2008
what can be worse
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
double negation
Optimist : At least I'm consistent in my way of thinking. I don't understand why are you always so negative about things except for your own way of thinking.
Monday, October 06, 2008
why plan
I suppose the important part here therefore is the ability to handle things when your original plans go haywire, which I'm so bad at.
So when you've something in mind, just get down to it. The detailed plans can come later as you slowly progress.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
10 Bad Things That Are Good For You
You experience more pleasure from it.
2. Texting, Not Talking
More discreet, therefore a preferred mean of communication to youngsters in family communication.
3. Pounding the Pavements
Strengthen the cartilage around the knee.
4. Being a Bit Overweight
Greater reservoir of nutrition in time of illness.
5. Full Fat Dairy
"less likely to develop 'metabolic syndrome,' a cluster of symptoms such as high blood pressure, blood lipids and glucose levels that can lead to diabetes, heart disease and stroke."
6. Caffeine
Delay development of Parkinson's in men and probably prevent gallstone and improve performance of athletes. (Sounds good to me!)
7. Booze
Red wine and Beer helps against heart disease.
Gin and tonic prevent night cramps.
8. Computer Games
Helps hand-eye coordination and increases IQ! Good for learning physics (-> I must have played too little during childhood).
9. Sugary Soft Drinks
People who drink the sugarless counterpart are more likely to be overweight, since it's more healthy and you tend to drink more. It's all in the mind.
10. Being a Working Mum
Not relevant to me, but better health in general for working mothers.
The most important part is still to do the above ten in moderation. Too much of anything is usually a problem even if it's good.
Reader's Digest September, the fifth annual humor issue
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I Have Plentiful
Is it something that you have very little of? Something rare is usually something of value. And this rare item is gonna make you become very possessive of it, making you don't want to let go of it.
I've just read a book and there was a solution proposed by the author(unfortunately, I don't remember the title of the book), which I find very useful.
In order to let go, first, you need to acquire more of that item. That will mean if you are possessive of your handphone, buy plentiful of handphone; if you are possessive of your home electricity, use more electricity, etc. Of course, these analogies sucks.
When you feel you have plenty of your treasured item, you feel less pain if you were to share them with other people.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Team Work
The answer: definitely less than 73 days.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Road crossing
Student A walks up to the road, stop by the roadside, turn his head right, left, then right again, following every instruction to perfect precision and successfully cross the road. For his great work, he receives A+.
Student B walks up to the road, stop by the roadside, look to his right, seeing no car, he crossed the road, and made it across safely as well.
The teacher walks up and gave the youngster a dressing down for not following instructions and demanding a reason for his action.
Student B: But this road is a one-way road, why do I need to look to the left?
Are you student A or student B?
A is for cockroach
Much to my dismay, after seeing the little pest, I walked around the whole food-court and found that all the stalls are supposed to be 'A' in the level of cleanliness. Does this mean we only care about the cleanliness of each of the individual stall and the area that will not be graded in this case the sitting area should be left to rot?
Anyway, the fish and chip was okay, but it's not served with tartar sauce. Remember not to buy the mushroom soup though - 1 dollar for mushroom in plain water..
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Go Green
Mrs Smith announced to the family one day that she was going to do her part for the environment by conserving energy in the house and wanted the whole family to do their part as well.
"I want all of you to help save our planet. So here's what I propose we do:
1) Dear, I want you to bath at your workplace, and you kids, in school before coming home everyday.
2) Mr Zack next door has agreed to fetch you kids to school, and hubby, you too to work, so you don't have to drive.
3) We'll go house-visiting every evening to our friends, relatives and neighbours' houses grab a quick dinner, and socialise for a while. Kids, remember to bring your homework and if you must, your x-box along, but you can only play after your homework. Before coming back, remember to drink more water."
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
This phenomena is due to the fact that many things are arranged according to alphabetical order, and the 'A's are used to being at the top of the list, and the 'Z's at the bottom. Priorities are given to the 'A's.
This explains why the Ang, Chua, Cheng and let's not forget Choy, Chan and Chiw all making it big in life.
However, there are always exceptions. Two clear examples are Yeo and Zhuang who are both very successful. Why is this so?
This could be attributed to the fact that they are taller and taller people also enjoys more success as they are more noticeable and used to people 'looking up' at them giving them higher self-esteem. Perhaps that's how the word 'headstart' comes about.
Looking deeper into this two attributes of success, which do you think is more influential? From the examples given, I speculate that being tall is more vital to be successful, but this doesn't concern me, does it? The only thing I need to know is that I'm unknowingly being dealt a psychological blow early on in life.
Quirkology by Richard Wiseman
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Personality Interpretor
Do you think the personality interpretor are accurate, or it is you who after reading what is described of you that becomes what they described?
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Another cat
I walked towards the friendly neighbourhood cat that loves to loiter around my house's void deck while it was having its afternoon nap.
It awoke, purred, stood up, and stretch once, stretch twice, and slowly walked towards me.
"What is it gonna do? Is it gonna attack me for disturbing its sleep?" I thought, as I stood there motionless awaiting its next move.
It just walked closer and closer, and finally brushed its body against my leg, and walked around me. I'm glad it's not hostile, and gave its head a light pat.
When I heard someone approaching, I decided to walk away, as i felt a little awkward.
The moral of the story: When in Rome, do what the Romans do. Towards a cat, purr instead of smile.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
See, no evil
This time instead of making a U-turn, I've decided to take the big round route. A bad choice indeed. Already breathless after completing half the route.
Labouring through the other half, I reached the cross-junction of cck road and cck ave 1. Looking around, I saw a construction worker in a yellow vest crossing the road ahead of me. He turned towards ave 1, and walk off while I was approaching in the same direction 50 metres behind.
I was already so tired that I was almost walking already. Then the LRT on the right went past me, and I turned my head to see if I can see any pretty girls on it. Disappointed, I turned back to look in the direction I was running.
"Hey, didn't I just see a construction worker walking this way a moment ago?!" Looking left, looking right, looking straight, and finally looking into the drain as I ran passed it. Nope, nowhere to be found.
What have I saw? I could care less, as I found renewed energy to continue the run.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Well of Knowledge
A visit to the library would help you see clearer.
Smile Singapore
Walking up to it,
it didn't seemed to care.
Coming to a halt,
i caught eye contact with it,
and gave it a smile.
It ran.
Friday, July 18, 2008
How many people have you successfully moved from a point A to a desired point B? This is the idea of persuasion, and looking at the equation above, it seems a very simple task, yet, it's so difficult even to get my friends to agree with me.
"Empathy is the ability to identify and understand the other person's feelings, ideas and situation."
In other words, putting yourself into the other person's shoes. Something like reading other people's mind and know how they feel. Knowing how they feel, then try to reduce the resistance of the person towards your idea.
Sincerity is the trust between people. Quoting from the book, Persuasion:
"Some people are more trusting that others and some people are inherently more trustworthy; but it's the conveying of it to the other person that's more important." And this truly is the difficult thing to do: to show your sincerity.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The IT World
Home schooling via internet,
a weekly visit to the doctor through webcam.
Matching clothes and jeweleries by clicking on a button and the clothes and jeweleries magically appear on you.
All these seemed quite lame and I don't understand why people want to make such a world come true.
Monday, July 07, 2008
What's responsible for the blood flow?
Your heart.
Working 365/24/7, but not gaining recognition for his hard work.
In fact, much have been done to make him suffer.
The oily food, the polluted air, the unhealthy lifestyle.
The thinking you do with your heart.
The emotions. The positive makes your heart feels good;
The negative breaks your heart.
Yet, both must co-exist.
It's the principle of non-duality.
Take a moment, be mindful to your heart and hear what he says.
Know what you want.
Be mindful to people around you, don't take them for granted.
It hurts when people don't recognise you.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
No twisting, no turning, no dribbling, no faking, cause he's unstoppable.
Catch, bounce, shoot. That's the rhythm to follow and no one would bother to offer any resistance. After four years, the next big thing is finally back in action, with his straightforward style of play, and the old legs of the once energetic youths are no longer fast enough to cut the supply to the big thing.
But there's still one chance to balance the game, if only Mr. Godlike is around..
Friday, July 04, 2008
Call back again
Hmm, actually I'm not interested, why don't you give the chance to someone else.
...................... It's won't take a lot of your time.
Eh, I'm not free.
How bout next week, if you don't mind, I'll call back next week.
Friday, June 27, 2008
The tired eyes protesting with intent to stage a revolt, yet it's not something that can be done by one person alone. I've so much to say, but don't know where to start from.
The Truth
Avicenna: "The truth of a thing is the property of the being of each thing which has been established in it."
Aristotle: “To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true”
Gandhi: "Truth is God."
Alfred North Whitehead: "There are no whole truths; all truths are half-truths. It is trying to treat them as whole truths that play the devil".
The truth in itself, can never be defined because it is not absolute. What we can only do is to find an approximation to the truth and continue searching for new evidence in a hope to even more accurately estimate the truth.
However, further investigation may lead to new evidence that goes in a totally different direction to the previous approximation of the truth, and things will get really frustrating. It really feel like shit when the scale is imbalanced as you totally have no idea which side is the truth now.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
When people share with their loved ones, they expect to gain more love from their loved ones.
When people share with friends, they may expect their friends to share something with them in return.
When people share with strangers, for example in a kind act of donation, they want to generate good karma, and expect something in return in the future.
Therefore, doesn't this means that everyone shares with a motive? Who are the ones who really cared about you?
observant thinker
A person who observes but don't think is not learning.
A person who don't observe but think is learning the wrong thing.
An observant thinker is a nut-case.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
nullification of emptiness
This week seems busy yet it feels I've done nothing apart from eating more than I should have.
Now, I'm fatigue thanks to the running I've done in the hot sun which even I don't know the result due to some useless equipment malfunctioning. Most probably, it should be in the region between 10:50 to 11:20mins.
Now, another week of canteen break awaits, apart from 2 days of "combat rations". It's really something to look forward to, isn't it?
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Shattered Dream
The return to the National Stadium is one of nostalgia. Four years ago, it was the place that I have to go every weekend, and have almost crawled to every corner of the stadium. This time returning as a spectator.
The first chance fall to the home side, and was squandered easily by putting within reach of the opposite goalie. That's the premonition that things won't go well. Chances that come along the way were also wasted and in the end the home side left the stadium empty-handed.
Luckily, there was a little chatterbox among the group that makes the lull of the match more interesting. It's always nice having someone to pick on and engage in witty chats once in a while, and who can be more imaginative than kids.
After leaving the stadium, I gave it one last look from the outside and think "when will they tear down the place, wasn't there a party to officially close down the stadium already?".
Friday, June 13, 2008
People come out with many ideas and wishes everyday. If these ideas and wishes are rejected as they are too absurd, or cannot be fulfilled, they will be pushed to the unconscious, and stored away.
During sleep time, some of these wishes will be converted into dreams and let you lived out your wishes even if they might never become true in real life. At least you will feel the gratification of having your dreams fulfilled, without having to do much.
In fact, I just had one of these dreams this morning. It does make me feel a little shiok, but I hope my unconscious will choose something that isn't this scary the next time.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
With only 23 episodes, I shouldn't have needed so long to watch it, but at times, it's really unbearable to watch on as the show is just so sad. Luckily, the back wasn't as bad and I managed to finish 12 episodes in 2 days.
This anime is about a delinquent boy who met a girl in school, and later on, he worked hard to help making the girl's dream comes true. With the atmosphere to be so sad, I thought that the ending will be something sad. Looking forward to season 2, if there is one.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Let Go
The dark forces knew I couldn't possibly break out of the barrier alone. Thus they didn't really bothered about catching me, as they knew eventually, I'll turn back.
And now, for the thirteenth time, I've reached the boundary. I stood there wondering just how I could break out of this barrier. I wished someone from the outside will see me, and lend me a hand, or someone from the inside will give me a push, but looking around, I knew it was impossible.
Eventually, I saw flashes and heard roars. They've caught up with me. My thirteenth time is a failure again.
With no other choice, I turned back, and ran back the way I came. The roar gets louder with each steps I took, as though laughing at me for my futile attempts to escape.
The King of the force then started to splash water into my face. Just then I heard voices in my mind, it was the King's, conversing with me using his secret power.
"So, you didn't manage to break the barrier again eh," and as though knowing what I was thinking, he continued, "what you need is someone you can trust to give you a push, isn't it?"
"Probably," I thought, in a reply to the King.
"Well, I'll give you something. Look into your hand."
I brought up my hand, still clenched together.
"Don't clench your hands like that. Open up and let go, you must know how to let go before you will be able to break that barrier."
I was shocked, the King of the dark forces was actually telling me how to break that barrier?
"Now look into your hands, what do you see?"

"Nope, you are wrong, look more closely."
I looked down again, giving it a closer examination and still found nothing.
From my blank look, the King knew I was lost.
"You see your hands, don't you? With your hands, you can make things happen, even when you are alone. And furthermore, if you look more closely, you are not alone. It just happened that you chose not to see them. Let go of your grudge, and be the you 7 years ago."
I knew the King was right. I've started to forgotten the goodness of other people, and have been trying to find fault with everyone I've met. But something still puzzles me.
"Why are you telling me all these? You are the dark forces, and responsible for so many evil things, yet you are trying to help me here."
The King laughed, "you don't see it yet. Well, let's just say I don't like trespassers, and you are trespassing in my territory, that's why I wants to drive you out with my troops. I'll let you stay a few more days, but you'd have to leave as soon as you figure out the logics."
With that, the King turned his back and returned to his majestic palace, awaiting the next trespasser trapped in his dark zone.
And I was left alone once again on the road, thinking through his words and actions that rarely make any sense.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
18 Days
And so mission impossible started.
Day in, day out, I copied moves from other players and practiced them with the A.I.. Winning most of the battles proved that those wins were not fluke, and I thought I was ready at the end of the 18 days.
When the force of darkness and the force of light clash at the end of the countdown, and with the force of light worn and out of touch, I thought maybe this time, darkness will triumph for once. No, it didn't. Light still scored an overwhelming victory ending any hope that darkness will ever win in the near future.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
It could have been worse. If not for the people whom I've spent my time studying with, even though I couldn't have asked them any questions regarding work, except for one person on one module. No surprise that that module happens to be my best this semester.
Monday, May 26, 2008
The Turing Test
Finally, 3 weeks after the exams have ended, I've understood what a Turing test is. While reading the sci-fi book
2001: A Space Odyssey by Sir Arthur C. Clarke,
I read this line of word "If one could carry out a prolonged conversation with a machine - whether by typewriter or microphone was immaterial - without being able to distinguish between its replies and those that a man might give, then ....." then the machine has passed the Turing test.
One line, so clear, yet the lecturer simply made it sounds like an ordeal. Now I'm starting to worry about the result that will be coming out this Friday at 6pm.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Champions League Finals 07/08
Just 363 days ago, I was watching the match between AC Milan and Liverpool at Bimbang's house and today's match we've planned to watch at his house again, but due to other commitment, he's now 1845 km away. Therefore, I ended up watching on the computer alone as others don't seemed interested to watch the match.
Prior to the match, I had hoped that it won't be a boring match. I'm glad that it wasn't that bad after the first goal went in. Both sides' goalies have had a lot of work to do and going into the penalties was the climax.
I've heard someone commented that for each of the two teams, their fans would hoped that their teams win the double, and other fans would wished the glory shared between the two clubs, but I've secretly wished that Man U will triumph. At least this would mean that another club has failed to win any trophy this year, just like my favourite club.
Anyway, during the penalty shootout, I thought that I will once again be disappointed. On the fifth round, Terry walked forward to the penalty spot confidently, and I thought that was the end. On the seventh round, looking at the expression of Anelka's face, I knew it must be the end.
1-1 draw between the two sides, Man U win 6-5 from the penalty spot. Let's look forward to next year's match between Arsenal and ????...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Hedgehog's Dilemma
In Evangelion, the Human Instrumentality Project is the attempt to force human to evolve and merging each individual into one single entity by removing the barrier between them known as the Absolute-Terror Field(commonly known as AT Field in the show).
This way, there will be no more loneliness and there will not be people hurting each other. As a single supreme entity, human will be like God and be able to achieve things that individuals could never attain.
However with instrumentality, individuality will be lost. Though the negative feelings are wiped out, the positive ones are annihilated as well.
In the end of Evangelion, Shinji rejects Instrumentality and decides to live his life as a separate individual, at the risk of being hurt by others again, probably because he realizes that increasing human potential is only possible by having individuals interact with each other to solve their problems and advance, and that finding a solution to the problems of people hurting each other was the only true way forward.
Instrumentality seemed a good thing, nonetheless, it cannot be achieved. Therefore the only way out for us is to interact and advance. Then the inevitable hurting of one another can be reduced to the minimum.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
In sweet memory of Ligo

For more than half my lifetime so far, I've had this great friend whom always never failed to come to the door, whipping its tail to welcome me when I visited my great aunt's house.
When he first came, I was overwhelmed by his size. When I sat down, and he sat up, he is much taller than I was, so I never sit down beside him so that I'm taller.
When I was still a puny boy, and when he was still a puppy, though no one could tell given his big size, I liked to bully him by chasing him around the house in a bicycle. Not once did he lose his temper against me, yet everytime he will come back to me wagging its tail whenever I am eating as he's such a glutton.
He especially hates stormy days, as for some reasons, he's very afraid of thunder and water. Every stormy day, he will like to hide under a table and shiver in fear.
I used to like taking him along to 7-eleven, without a lash. It's a lot of fun when I see people acting a bit scared of me. Though I know that he will just follow me wherever I go, and wait for me outside the stall when I told him to. I didn't know how he understands me, since he had never undergone any training. The previous dog my great aunt had, went missing after going out alone..
After my great aunt shifted house, he will walk me to the mrt station whenever I'm going out for meetings from there. I was quite afraid he will go into the station with me, but lucky for me, he will just walk back after seeing me go down the escalator.
Even though he's not the most cutest, handsome, cuddly of dogs I've seen, he's probably the one that is most worthy of a place in my heart.
Ligo returned to the planet on 14 May 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
This School Holiday
I'll really need to find something to do, getting too lazy after mixing with too many not so hardworking people in my school. However, everything is still in the planning stage, but it should be something like (according to priority):
1) learning to master more games, I haven't won a single game against Bimbang so far..
2) doing something meaningful every Saturday
3) training for IPPT
4) learning C# programming language, a wtf programming language, that will be very useful next semester
5) appear every now and then in gatherings.
6) finding work to do
So the top priority is to play..
Monday, May 05, 2008
Friday, May 02, 2008
The Dessert is Sour
The appetizer was bad but i managed to force it down my throat.
The first main course was ok, but the serving is way too much and I didn't manage to finish it up. Think many others didn't manage to clear up that dish as well, so it's not my fault.
The second main course was not bad apart from one of the ingredient they used that I didn't like, that's why I didn't eat that one up.
The third main course was probably the nicest of the whole meal, half of it was a mixture of 5 ingredients, but of course, no one will eat up all the 5 ingredients. That just can't be right.
I was looking forward to eating the dessert until it was served. Not to mention that it was not sweet, it was sour. Utterly disappointed with the standard, but with no choice, I had to eat up the dessert since I've paid so much for it. Maybe I'll just sue the restaurant for damages after the meal.
Oh, the clause on the wall states:
"Eat At Your Own Risk!!".
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
NOT Recommended
Anyway, after my third paper today, miz and I had lunch at this new foodcourt. Without my favourite stall, I have to settle for something else. I chose the Hokkien Mee, which costs $5. Other things that the stall sells include fried kway teow, some rice sets, and popiah. I wanted to buy one popiah but didn't because the price of $2 was simply not worth it. I will at most pay $1.50 for that since hawker centres sell that at $1.20. I thought to myself who would buy them at $2, then four people came to prove me wrong.
After waiting for nearly 10 mins, I finally got the noodle. There wasn't a queue therefore 10 mins is very long. Time to check out the taste; apart from the lime that taste like a lime and the chilli sauce that tasted like chilli sauce, the noodle tasted like plain congee. That's it, I won't be buying from that stall anymore.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Good Luck for the Exams
Actually I just don't want him to come back to me when the results are out and tell me, "Walao, your luck is no use." this sort of things. Good luck in exams come naturally with preparation, and not through wishing, therefore I only wish people who prepare "good luck for your exams.". Then when the results come out, I can tell them, "See, my good luck helped a bit.".
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Heat of the Battlefield
Plus recently, I've picked up a new hobby that really took up a lot of my preparation time. Though I try not to do that, it's really not something that I can control and it can be really dangerous at times too.
Therefore this time, instead of staying in bed to read, I've been going to school to study. The reason is simple, I don't want to lose my challenge and partly to utilize my train pass. Even so, I still found myself going into a trance occasionally, slowing my progress a lot. Well, at least I completed the preparation for the module that requires the most work - Business Law.
After the lecturer keeps saying, "Hint, hint, this one sure come out.", "Study this for the exam, you will not regret.", she has successfully given us the hint that everything she covered in the lectures, will be coming out. So bimbang says we'll prepare what she said will come out during the final lecture.
Preparations for other modules are still underway. A.I. is a problem in particular. After the lecturer slammed our project as a level 1 assignment, don't think I'm gonna get a really good grade for that module. Let's see what the final exam worth 30% can do.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I am
I cogitated about why school is never a happy place to be at.
I deliberated many ways to make myself look forward to what the future holds.
I feel cold.
The angel and devil in me are ratiocinating to whom should be in charge.
I reflected on my actions throughout the past two years, and found I've achieved nothing.
I imagine myself as a piece of jigsaw in a wrong puzzle.
I speculates I need to find the puzzle i belonged in.
I am contemplating to make a new start.
I wonders if anyone will care if I do.
Ways not to earn a "Thank You"
Case 1a: Holding the door for able bodied people to enter/exit first
Why won't people say thank you in this case? It's simple, they think that you are treating them as handicapped people, obviously you don't expect them to thank you for that.
Case 1b: Holding the lift door open for people to board/alight first
The general mindset is: I would have got on/off the lift, irregardless of whether you hold the door. It's your job anyway since you stand so near the buttons.
Case 2: Giving up seats on trains by standing throughout your journey even when there are seats when you board
There are so many people who like to rush into the trains as soon as the doors open just to grab a seat, even for a few stations they will be happy as long as they get a seat. Then when they see some needy auntie or uncle board the train they start to practice their courteous side and give up their seats to them, even though the real reason is that they are about to alight soon anyway. But most of the time, these people will receive the "thank you", while not those that chose to give up their seats right from the start.
Case 3: Returning something to the person in front of you when he dropped something
This case is dependent on the things that the person in front had dropped. Usually, if the thing is regarded in Law as a a thing of value, he will thank you.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The Busiest Week
It was right for the lecturer to tell me off, so I won't rebut. The damage has been dealt, and now that I'm just 7 days from my papers, it's once again time to do damage control.
Good luck to everyone having examinations.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Shrouded in Darkness
As much as I like to think that there is light at the end of the tunnel, i find no end in the tunnel I'm in. Walking on and on, then realize I'm back at where I started off. Am I progressing, or am I deteriorating?
Who will understand this feeling? Shinji Ikari probably does. He tries hard to gain recognition from his father, doing things that others tell him to do. Despite receiving praises from many people, he found that he is still him because his father was still unmoved. Even so, he's still well-loved by many anime fans and I'm still a nobody.
Monday, April 14, 2008
the sky crumbled down on me
After setting myself a high target for Oral Presentation, I only managed to prepare a half-baked presentation slides for Oral Presentation. This proved to be very costly as I have to try and have some sort of impromptu speech while keeping the topic within the points I have on the slides. In the end, I felt I've flunked the talk.
Immediately after the Oral Presentation is the database demo. The website that we have looks promising, until the evaluator starting asking about functions that we had not implemented. Even though he did say that it's okay that we don't have those functions, you know that he actually meant it's not okay.
Shortly after the database demo, it's time for the software demo. We've a full plan of things that we want to show the tutor, but due to the time constraint of fifteen minutes, we managed to show her half of what we wanted to show.
Everything came crushing down in the night at the final recitation lesson, the test for the S-paper of Database. Out of five questions, I only did one of them, and I have no idea whether i was right for that question.
One disastrous day..
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Creative or Silly
Last week, after getting back the recording for the talk, I showed Bimbang and he thought that the points were clearly illustrated.
Today, in the conference with the tutor, she said that she found my talk very interesting and creative. This leaves me to wander how do people define these two words "creative" and "silly".
Creative is imaginative, and
Silly is ridiculous.
I remembered a few years ago, I communicated an idea of setting up a website for making offerings to Ah Bee, and was slammed by him as 'siao'. Last Saturday, while having dinner with a group of secondary school friends which included him, one of them say that this website has started and was on the news the night before. So, it's quite interesting to see that actually these two words are quite closely related.
Many a time, people who imagine things will be slammed by others as being silly as what they are thinking is simply impossible. This kills the imaginative powers of us overtime. When you were young, I can say that all of you are very imaginative too, but adults will keep telling you that you are thinking too much, don't be silly. Everything you need to know are in the textbook. This is a very sad thing to do, as imaginations bring about changes. It also makes life very dull.
Go back to your childhood and rediscover your power to dream.
Friday, April 04, 2008
It's also said that people with religion live longer. Studies show that people who attend religious meeting every week lives as much as six years more. What I think is that these people are happier with their lives as they meet up with friends to socialize. Apart from that, religions encourages healthy lifestyles, which certainly play a part in longevity.
Religious People Live Longer Than Nonbelievers
Be kind to animals - especially strays (my paper 04/04/2008)
I'm not trying to tell you to take up some religions. In fact, I'm a non-believer, but there's always things that we should learn from religions. For example, learn to socialize. Encourage and support your friends and they will do the same for you. Eat healthy, you don't need to be in a religion to be able to do that, do you?
However, the longevity discussed above are just physically being able to live longer. What would you want to do in those extra time that you have? Enjoying life would be good, but when you passed on, no one will remember you after a few generations. If you really want to attain true longevity, you should strive to make something of yours live on even after you die.
This something could come in many forms. When you on the lights, you think of Thomas Edison (maybe not quite since it's almost taken for granted nowadays). When you open your secondary school physics textbook, you see the three Newton's law of motion, then you will think of Isaac Newton (though you might get cursed occasionally). When you watch Romeo and Juliet, you remember William Shakespeare. This list can go on and on, but you should get my point by now. Instead of blindly finding ways to stay alive longer, get alive and make yourself count.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
A typical aquarian
After reading on so many websites, I find that some points are quite relevant to me, while others not really.
Relevant points:
-Dislike being told what to do
I dislike being told what to do. Well, I don't mind people who give suggestions on what I can do but if he says go do this, go do that, I'll say this in his face "NO!!". This basically also shows that I'm rebellious. Giving a more concrete example, when playing Defense of the Ancients (DotA), when a player keep spamming in CAPs saying that I should play my hero this way or this hero should buy this weapon, then you will see that my hero will never have that weapon throughout that game. If someone pings a location multiple times to gain attention, I'll just continue doing what I'm doing.
I like to do things different from people, which sometimes I might regret having done that. Just last week in the short talk, everyone were trying to pack their talks with more contents, while I tried my best to make the talk more entertaining. Now, I might regret if I get a poor result for the talk.
I'm also like to ask questions. Not question that earns you participation points in class, mind you, and combining with tactlessness, some people might not like the questions I ask so much. My other favorite pastime is dream.
The honesty part is for me to know and for you to find out..
Irrelevant points:
-Make friends easily
-Works best in groups
It is said that aquarians make friends easily, and everyone is a friend until he or she proves otherwise. To me, everyone is enemy until he or she proves otherwise.
Being humane is quite impossible, I already forgotten the last time I donated any money to school kids with cans. I really hate working in groups especially with people who like to give orders. Obviously, the intellectual part is... My CAP now is so low that I'm ashame of telling others. I can't be inventive, my art sucks.
Apart from reading your own sign, it's interesting to read up on your friends' sign, and making the comparisons of them with the descriptions given, but it shall be on another post when I find time for that.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
This is a reason why I hate taking up challenges, but also the reason why I need one.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Three minutes of fame
I'm actually quite proud of myself that I actually dared to present the speech this way as the audience are all tertiary students and one tutor. The speech was, well, very easy to understand and nothing much except that I mixed a lot of interesting imaginative visuals, and actually might be good if I were to be talking to primary school children. The disappointing part is still that my delivery skill is still not there despite all the trainings I've had, and I've made the talk sounds silly but at least it's good that the audience enjoyed my talk, I hoped..
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
With going to heaven as the ultimate prize, the argument is based on the fact that there is nothing to lose and everything to gain from believing the existence of God. If you do not believe in God, and they really exist, then you will not be able to go to heaven. If you believe in God and they exist, you will be able to go to heaven. If you believe in God and they don't exist, or if you don't believe in God while they do exist, you will go to heaven. Therefore it's pretty obvious to choose to believe, since you can't do worse than not believing.
In the Atheist's Wager, the idea that the God does not reward their believer but for the good things that one has done was taken into the consideration, then it should not matter whether you believe in God and you will still be rewarded.
Furthermore, with so many religions, which one should one believe in? A simple solution for this one is to believe in all, but it's not an acceptable solution. This brings us to the 'Avoiding the Wrong Hell' problem where it's generally more possible that you will worship the wrong God and be sent to Hell as a result of that.
To me, I am an atheist. It seems more rational to be an atheist, as if there exist a Benevolent God, I would believe that he would give credit to people based on their merit and not whether these people believed in him.
If God really exists, he would be the people around you, who care about you. i.e. Family, friends. Friends, as in true friends, not fair-weather friends.
People pray to God for safety. I believe it is family and friends that keeps people safe and sound. Through the care and concern showered upon you, you are kept safe and stay safe through your everyday life. People pray to God for riches. Family and friends are themselves riches. People pray to God when they're down and out. Family and friends give you the support you need. Therefore it's equivalent to saying your family and friends are your Gods.
This thinking might seem naive in many ways, but to me, it's my principle, my way of life, my belief.
Pascal's Wager on Wikipedia
I used to make friends easily, because I'll be friendly to anyone who is friendly to me. I do yearn to make new friends, but I don't seem to get to know new people in university. I seemed to always find people walking in groups, while I'm usually alone. Sometimes I just wonder if it's because I walked too fast that no one can keep pace with me.
Without new friends, I also find communicating with current friends difficult. I speak in computing languages while most of my friends are engineers and scientists, each of them forming their own groups, and speaking in their own languages which is so foreign to me. I feel left out when they start talking about their homework which I totally have no idea what it is about. Talk about games, I'm not an avid gamer. Talk about politics, I'm really not interested. Talk about NBA, I'm really lost. Talk about other things, I just blurt whatever that comes to my mind, while others seemed to have gone through deep thoughts about the topic. This effectively left me with nothing to talk to them about.
I even think that I should just uninstall my Live Messenger. While many have people initiating chats with them, I basically just see people signing in, for some reason the same person will sign in again, then again, and he's blocked. Apart from the IP chat window, only one of the contacts in my whole list of contacts will occasionally initiate a chat. The rest of the chats are usually initiated by me, and time after time, I'll be ignored. Making me think if I'm more of a nuisance than a friend.
Maybe it's time I stuck my heads into the pile of books and hide in them so that no one can find me, and no one will bother anyway. I think I try hard to liven up my friends who may seem sad, but I supposed I'm even sadder compared to them, so why should I even try if I can't be happy myself.
After going through the Inter-Cultural Communication lecture two weeks back, I think I should start making plans to go to countries where people are more individualistic; you get credit for yourself when you done well; you get the full blame for something that you have done wrong; live for yourself, die for yourself. I don't think I can survive well in this collectivist society.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Giving Talks
I shan't bore you with every detail of the lecture, but the most captivating part is the time when he showed videos of introductions to a few presentations. Introduction is an important part of the presentation as you need to capture your audience right from the start. In one of the videos, this guy tried cracking a joke, but no one catch that, how embarassing it would be if I were the presentor. Another guy started his presentation with a right hand right leg march to the screen, must've been too nervous.
Of course, there are good examples too. One of them started the presentation with a rhetorical question, then added herself as one of the answer as a joke. It worked well, and captured the audiences' attention.
The lecture was fun alright, but after the lecture, I had an afterthought. What I've just seen were videos of students from past cohort taking the module, and what I'll be doing. What if the lecturer decided to take my presentation and show it during lecture for future batches? Will it be shown as a good example or a bad example? What funny things will I do during the presentation?
Whatever uncertainties I have about this presentation doesn't matter now that I've already chosen to be forced to take this module. What must be done shall be done. Let's hope the topic given wouldn't be too tough.
Friday, March 07, 2008
24 mins 24 secs


View from the bridge
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Second Half kicks off
The second was fifteen mcqs for the S-paper option students. It was, well, apart from question 1, the rest I had to make a guess from two of the options, and I'm always not good at this 50-50 thingy.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
The Conquest
The summer break is round the corner, and now, godlike Kai is looking to conquer the highest peak of Malaysia. Mount Kinabalu is located in Sabah, in eastern Malaysia. It stands tall at 4095m and Kai at 1.8m wants to be taller than this place by standing at the peak making him 4096.8m. Show your support for him by joining him in his conquest.
Kai will be planning to be there for between 3-5 days depending on other activities that he will plan at a later date. These activities might include snorkeling, trekking, shopping etc. More information can be found at this website.
The date of the conquest is likely to be before ICT as this trip is an overseas training for his physical fitness, in time for his IPPT. Therefore he urges everyone going for ICT to join. $400, I must get you this time!!
Kai will keep the budget for the trip as low as he can to cater to everyone while not compromising the quality of the trip. All these will be worthwhile when you come back to get Gold for IPPT.
Répondez s'il vous plaît to Kai via msn, or leave him offline message if he's offline mugging. Thanks for your kind attention.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
A.I. is Awesome!!
When computer weren't that common 15 years ago, I used to play many multi-player games myself. Mahjong, Big2, Chinese Chess etc. it's gets really boring since I always have knowledge of the whole environment and can manipulate the results of the game as I wished.
With A.I., I finally can stop playing all the players. At least I get to play against some "players" though they are just algorithms that use probability to determine their next move.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Presentation Commences
Prior to presentations, one has to do much researching, then after collecting all the information needed, one has to start his preparation for the actual presentation. The most common way is to make a powerpoint slide.
My first presentation of the year is a self-learning assignment. The class is divided into six groups, and each group assigned a topic where we go read up on. This will brand us as the experts in that particular topic, giving us the credentials to lecture on that topic. Therefore, apart from saying what is on the slideshow, you will have to add in explanations to make things more understandable.
The second presentation is relatively easier, just having the prepare the solution to one of the tutorial question on powerpoint slides then present before the class. As the answers aren't supposed to be that long, and the group size of six is large, each person just has to say a few lines of text. With all the explanations on the slide, nothing will go wrong. Two more of this sort of presentation still to come.
Two more other presentations will be the most terrifying of all. Even though it's just a 3-5 min talk, it will be done in front of the class and a camera. I always get very tensed up in front of camera, cause I'm scared of getting sucked into the camera, lol..
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
stumble, mumble, trouble
The first thing due will be the user manual, done in group of threes, then software engineering project, then preparing to give a lecture on week 6, next to form group for database project, and finally forming group for the group presentation of tutorial answer.
And while in lecture today, I happened to sit beside this guy who didn't bring a laptop, and so asked to share so that he will be able to see what the software the lecturer gave does. During the interval, he suddenly pops up a question "Where do I stay?". I was kind of surprised by the phrasing since usually people asks where i live, nevermind, so I told him. He was surprised by the answer, and told me "oh, I thought you were a chinese..". That puzzled me further. Then the conversation went on to talk about the influence of the U.S. and U.K. on us, and I wasn't really into this sort of topics, so I just tried to smoke it through.
This sem is the sem to remember, never were there so many things presentations in a single semester. Though I don't mind giving small talks, I always freezes up in front of audiences and cameras, familiarity with the topic and audiences will help matter, but it seems that none of the presentations will have both qualities.
Therefore one can conclude that I'm in for it..
Monday, January 28, 2008
Monday Sadness!!
The chain of events in the problemetic module bidding really causes a lot of inconvenience to me this sem. After they had initially estimated that about 60 people will be taking this particular module, the final number stands at 22. This changes the initial plan for having 3 classes to become 1. With this group of 22 students having different timetables, it's an uphill task to decide on what time should we have our recitations.
There are heated arguments, confrontations and fierce battle on the forum between the lecturer and students to decide the time, but leading to no conclusion.
Then the time came for the first recitation, where most of the personels involved come together on a not very convenient time for everyone to discuss this issue. With the lecturer's explanation of the need to have the recitation class for us to give each other lectures on different topics, the recitation concluded with the following timeslot:
2030 - 2130 hrs, Mondays
Now what time will I reach home on Mondays..
With my 1.5 years of driving experience, it has become routine for me to drive on family outings. I don't mind that since I like to drive anyway, however, I really hate driving on PIE. The density of cars on the PIE is sickening, I won't drive to the first lane, unless the car in front of me is exceptionally slow, or I might just end up missing the exit.
On the way back today, there was a slight jam there, caused by car accidents. 3 vehicles collided in lane 2, holding back the traffic, and just 100m ahead of that crash, there was another 2 vehicles involve in another crash on lane 1, then another metres away from the second crash on the road shoulder. What a sight, but it seems to me that they just knocked slightly into each other.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
It's always the same
Nevermind that, since I've been a lone ranger for a very long time now. Everytime having to go to classes with people I never knew before, then getting to make new friends. But it's so much different in University, without fixed classes, I don't think I'll be making many new friends at all.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Round 4, BEGIN !!
Comparing the timetable with last sem's, this sem is certainly much slacker. Last sem, I had 27 hours of lessons every week, now, the number descreased by 10. However this may not be good news, since I'll be having 4 projects to do, up by 2 from last sem. The sadest part is, there still isn't any free day :''(
I have more or less settled 3 of the project groupings, the last one is the one that's giving me the headache. The problem can only be resolved when we first meet for tutorial next monday, cause the members must be under the same tutor. Whoever I will team with, hope we'll do well for the project and not keep saying "We can't do it.".
Friday, January 18, 2008
I've finally decided that the weather is too warm to keep long hair and went for a trim at the friendly neighbourhood barber I always go.
“Poly 啊?”
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Upcoming Semester
I'm really not looking forward to this module after looking at the module info in the IVLE website. Proposal writing, letter writting, manual writting, and oral presentation.. With one hour of lecture and two hours of tutorial every week, u can imagine the agony of having to take this module, if only this was not a pre-requisite for my junior year project module.
For my database module, i basically can start having the lectures starting now, with all the lectures already webcasted and uploaded in IVLE. But for the S-option of database, I don't really know what to expect for this module, apart from an extra recitation lesson and a S-test.
Artificial intelligence is also included this semester. Artificial means fake, and so this module will be going there to fake that you are intelligent.
I don't know what to expect for software engineering since the lecturer still haven't uploaded anything in IVLE.
Good luck for your upcoming semester.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Will this be a Happy Year?
Though the result from the past semester showed a reasonable increase in the CAP, I should not be resting on my laurels as I just know that I have much more potential to score better. I feel that I have been too complacent and busking in the glory since leaving from primary school, causing my drastic drop in academic performance thereafter. How I hope I can find someone to crush my ego and bring me back to reality. However, I certainly feel that I won't find such a person in my school right now, since I don't really know many people in there, and from those that I know, I just hope that they would stop passing me all their negative thoughts about theories, exams and such.
As bidding starts today, I don't really care about what I was gonna bid yet. So far, I've just decided on 3 of the modules I'm gonna take, and I'm pretty sure I'm just taking 5 modules this sem. I usually procrastinate my bidding as it is really useless to start panicking in round 0.
Let's hope that since the year ends with a '8', everyone will get lucky this year. And since it's a leap year, with that extra day for preparation, we all do better for our exams.